
EDMI awarded ISO9001 and ISO27001 for their European Operations

London, UK, 17 February 2015 – EDMI Europe Limited, a smart meter solutions provider, has today announced that its operations in the UK have been awarded two prestigious ISO standards; ISO9001:2008 (Quality Management) and ISO 27001: 2013 (Information Security Management).

EDMI Europe was independently verified by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) and awarded the only internationally recognised Quality and Information Security standard available. The company was assessed across a number of fields including relevant documentation, scope of the Information Security Management System, Business Continuity, risk assessments and procedures, as well as appropriate control checks.

Executive Director at EDMI Europe, David Stroud, commented “The achievement of both accreditations demonstrates that EDMI is committed to delivering and constantly improving Quality and Information Security Management for our customers and partners. We recognised the increased importance of confidentiality, integrity and the availability of corporate and customer information and took the appropriate steps to officially demonstrate this, validating the priority we are placing on these areas in our business.”