MIRA AMI is end-to-end solution to address all Smart Utility needs. MIRA AMI supports to install the various electrical devices, communicating through the industry standard protocols such as DLMS and IDIS, and leveraging the communications technologies such as RF Mesh, 4G, and NB-IoT. MIRA AMI supports flexible and interoperable integration to all upstream and down-stream system of AMI.

  • Key Benefits
  • Key Features
  • Application
  • End-to-end platform for utilities
  • Provide deployment flexibility
  • Competitive operational cost
  • Enable the Smart Grid by leveraging the AMI
  • Most of all necessary AMI components are pre-integrated.
  • AMI components can be deployed On-Premise or Cloud in full-scale or hybrid mode.
  • AMI infrastructure sizing and architecture are optimised and customised as utility needs.
  • Support out-of-box integration with other systems such as Payment Gateway, Billing, MDM, HES, SMS Gateway and GIS.
  • Support integration with Smart Grid and the operation system of utilities such as DSM, PLM, and DER applications.